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Selectmen's Minutes 2012/04/26

New London/Sunapee Selectmen & Water & Sewer Commission Joint Meeting
April 26, 2012
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup-Chairman, David Cain, Charles Smith, Peter Hill, Kenneth Meyer, Paul Manson.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Donna Nashawaty-Sunapee Town Manager, Sunapee Selectmen: Frederick Gallup-Chairman, Susan Gottling, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, Emma Smith.
New London Selectmen: Mark Kaplan, Peter Bianchi.
Kimberly Hallquist-New London Town Administrator, Neil Cheseldine & Peter Atherton of Wright-Pierce.
ABSENT: Kurt Markarian.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.

The table introduced themselves.

Inter-town Agreement Revisions:  The Chairman asked if anyone had any questions, changes, or suggestions regarding the agreement. Charles S. stated that the agreement is fine except for page two paragraph three. Charles S. stated that the agreement mentioned in this section of the agreement is because New London owns the pump station in Georges Mills and the pipe down Jobs Creek Road to the Library, and in order for Sunapee to pay New London for the use of their property this other agreement had been established. Charles S. explained the metering system and the problems in the past with metering issues having caused constant problems between New London and Sunapee. Charles S. presented that Jessie Levine had proposed amending the metering system of billing to alleviate payment issues between the two Towns, and that New London and Sunapee had agreed to a different means of establishing the billing percentages charged by each Town to the other. Theodore G. gave an explanation of what had occurred with regards to the billing issues and stated that he feels this agreement being presented does not need changing immediately. Frederick G. suggested adding the words “and as amended by the agreement of…”. Donna N. stated that both the current agreements are being operated under with the revisions to the billing that had been decided on by the Commission and New London’s Select-board. There was some discussion regarding the wording of the agreement. Charles S. questioned if it was ethical to send something that is wrong to USDA.
Donna N. explained that the two boards had amended both agreements as they are allowed to at a posted public meeting. There was some discussion regarding how often the agreements could be amended and the fact that the one for approval at the moment states that it holds for a period of 30 years. Kim H. feels that the agreement should be able to be amended from time to time. Paul M. suggested adding the wording “and any other revisions since that date.
Neil C. stated that the 1995 agreement simply grants permission for Sunapee to use New London’s facilities and that he would suggest updating the 1995 agreement at a later date.
Peter B. stated that he is upset that the agreement can’t be changed for 30 years. There was much discussion regarding the two separate agreements.
Mark K. questioned how the means of billing was ever changed at a meeting. Charles S. stated that the amendments should have been done via the Selectmen. Donna N. pointed out that the agreement does contain provisions for New London and the Commission to discuss and change the way the agreement is being upheld and suggested attaching the minutes of such meetings to the agreement as amendments.
Susan G. made a motion to approve the agreement, seconded by Shane H., the Selectmen voted unanimously in favor of the motion, so declared by the Chairman.
Mark K. made a motion to accept the agreement as discussed, seconded by Peter B., New London voted unanimously in favor of the motion, so declared by the Chairman.
David C. made a motion to accept the agreement as discussed, seconded by Kenneth M., the Commission voted 5 in favor, 1 opposed, the motion passed in the majority, so declared by the Chairman.

Interim Construction Financing:  
Donna N. announced that Sugar River was awarded the 2.5 million interim financing at .95% with a $1,000 origination fee.

        Sunapee Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 5:58 p.m.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman              Emma Smith, Vice Chairman               

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                          Suzanne H. Gottling

Joshua Trow